Weekly Links – March 29

Central Coast Trip
Woke up this morning and realized I missed the weekly links. It has been a long week for me with lots to do. They are a little delayed, but better late than never… on to the links

  • Get an online education for free… Free is good [Lifehacker]
  • Using BitTorrent like a pro from Gizmodo.
  • There are a lot of celebrity twitter feeds, but the Beehive wonders who is really writing them.
  • Sometimes even young people have a hard time figuring out all this techno jargon. [Engadget]
  • Mint discusses if you should be buying a home right now. It is a great time to buy if you are looking.
  • Why I will always have DirecTV even though they are so expensive… Football [Awful Announcing]
  • How to automate your money and make it work for you. Guest post by Ramit Sethi over at Tim Ferriss.
  • Finally, the greatest debate of them all settled on the Beehive – Top Rolling!

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