Jungkshen has been around for a while, but have not played a show in over 5 years. They kinda disbanded when all the members started college and moved on to their careers, but they are now back! They played a show last week at the Starline and it was great to see the huge crowd that showed up. Ryan, the guitarist, is also a pretty good photographer, so he had just a few of his photog friends taking pics. You can see some of the ones from the very talented DJ Ellis over at his site and of course enjoy mine below.
Sweet. Haven’t seen them since they played at the Whisky in Hollywood. Hope the show went well.
Nice set of images man. You rocked that one light setup. I dig the B&W ones too. I’m glad you got that shot outside the Starline. I saw that line as well but by the time I got my gear out of the car the doors had opened and everyone was inside. Great job for thinking of that.