Posts Tagged ‘economy’

An article in yesterdays Fresno Bee about an ex-valley lawmaker wanting to split the state in two got me thinking if it would be possible. The concept is to Downsize

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The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo. This great cartoon helps anyone understand the credit crisis. It simply shows how we got into this crazy mess in

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Received this from my buddy via email: This year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This is a very exciting new program that I will explain using the Q

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I voted today and encourage everyone to do the same. Google has a great map of the election results that you can see here. Go Vote.

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Great read over at the WSJ by Arthur Laffer. It is a very honest look at the troubled economies of the past compared to today’s economic troubles. We may be

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Above is an amazing poster that depicts our federal budget to scale. It is mindblowing to see how much money is being spent. The majority of our budget is spent

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How can Obama cut taxes for 95 percent of tax filers when 33% of filers pay no taxes? That’s easy: he does it through equivocation or you could call it

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