Posts Tagged ‘site news’

Welcome to the new blog. It took a little longer to set up than I wanted, but now there is both a blog and portfolio. The great thing is that

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I know I have been a little m.i.a. lately, but it has been a busy couple of weeks for me. I got a new computer and was dealing with setting

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Just got my new site for Nick Gennock Photography set up. It is going to be my photo site while this site will continue to be my personal blog. Feel

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Big day for the Fresno Intertubes today, the Beehive got a new look. Go check it out, I’ll wait… And you’re back. Along with that look, they also got a

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I have been working on transferring my blogger site to a more powerful wordpress one. There is much more confguration allowed on wordpress and I feel I will get more

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So I have been trying to network at lot more lately. I have created a Facebook Profile, a Linkedin Profile, and a Twitter account. I have also started tying to blog a

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So I am going to try and start blogging a little. I have been trying to get into it a little, but have not found a great medium for it.

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